Create a New Job
Follow the steps below:
- On the My Jobs screen, use the orange “Add” button to create a new job.
- Enter the name of the Job.
- Tap “SELECT FORM.” When connected to the Internet, the page will automatically check for any available new or updated forms.
- Select the form you want to use.
- When the job has a name and a form attached to it, tap the "CREATE JOB" button.
- The "My Jobs" screen shows all of the jobs on the device that are within the department you are currently working under. Select the Job you wish to work on to proceed.
- Now you are ready to start collecting data. Tap the “Add” button to create your first collection.
- You can enter data directly into the on-screen form and use tools to make measurements. Data entered is saved automatically.
- The Job screen shows all of the collections you have made for this job in both a list and on a map. In the List tab, tapping the down arrow next to a collection shows a summary.
Note: We recommend creating your job and selecting the form while connected to Wi-Fi so that you can ensure the data collection form is up to date.
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