IKE Access for IKE Office Pro Frequently Asked Questions
What is IKE Access?
IKE Access is a web-based application for applying licenses for IKE Office Pro.
Customers who purchase user seats for IKE Office Pro will elect administrators at their company who will use IKE Access to assign licenses. Please see the last question for further details on the difference between IKE Office Pro and IKE Office.
How do I use IKE Access?
If you are an administrator, please review the video walkthrough at the top of this page.
How do I add a user and assign them a license?
If the user exists in IKE Office Pro account, they will exist in IKE Access.
When you need to add a new user, you must first be an “admin” role in both IKE Office Pro and IKE Access.
As an admin in IKE Office and IKE Access, follow these steps:
- In IKE Office Pro add the user to the department or departments that you wish to include them in.
- If they already have IKE Office accounts, they can simply login.
If they do not have IKE Office accounts, they will receive an email from noreply@accounts.ikegps.com to create their password. - Visit IKE Access and click on the “Add User” button.
- Type your user’s email address into the dialogue box and click add. If they are already in the organization, you will not be able to add them again and will receive an error.
- In the left hand menu click “IKE Office Pro” to manage the IKE Office Pro license assignments.
- Locate your user (you can click on the email address column to sort alphabetically)
- Next, click on the Actions menu next to their username > select Manage License > then check the box to assign them a license.
- Save your changes which return you to the user list.
How do I purchase more user seats?
IKE Office Pro User Seats still need to be purchased through your ikeGPS account manager. Reach out to them directly or simply go to IKE Access > IKE Office Pro and select the “Contact Sales” button on your license pool summary (example image below).
How do I remove a user?
You can remove a user from IKE Access but this does not remove them from IKE Office. Likewise, removing a user from IKE Office does not remove them from IKE Access- both actions must be done independently. If the user may later return, you can simply unassign their license which would leave them as a viewer.
On the landing page of IKE Access, select the user you wish to remove > next click “Actions” > click “Remove User” > Confirm you would like to remove the user. Please note, you cannot remove users if they are currently assigned licenses.
What happens if I don’t assign a user a license?
If the user is listed on the “Accounts” page of IKE Office Pro department, but is not assigned a license in IKE Access, then they will only have viewer capabilities. This is true regardless of what their role is in IKE Office Pro (even if they are set as an Admin in IKE Office Pro, if they do not have a license, they will not be able to make edits nor export). The user will be informed that they do not have a license with a message on an orange banner at the top of the screen when they attempt to save any edit or export that states “You do not have a license to perform this action”.
What if a licensed user leaves my company or the project, can I reuse their license?
Yes, you can re-use the license they were assigned. Please unassign the license then assign it to another user. We anticipate this will need to happen occasionally however we will monitor for abuse.
What happens if my IKE Office Pro license expires?
You will still be able to view your IKE Office Pro departments and data, but your users will be unable to make any edits, imports, exports and download or upload from IKE Field. Users will be informed that their license has expired with a message on an orange banner at the top of the screen when they attempt to save any edit or export that states “You do not have a license to perform this action”.
Once the license is renewed, the assignments will persist, so you do not need to reassign licenses.
What happens if I have multiple pools?
If you have 2 or more different license pools, this is because you have 2 or more different license purchases with different active dates. You will want to ensure your users maintain access if you let one of the license pools expire. Pro-rating or co-terming is an option ikeGPS Sales can assist you with in order to avoid this situation.
Will we have new license pools each year we renew our licenses?
No- If you are renewing your licenses/user seats for another year, the same license pool with the current license assignments will simply continue. ikeGPS Finance team will apply the new active dates, invoice, and (optional) purchase order information for the renewal to the current license pool. This way admins do not need to do any user management to assign licenses again to those who already have licenses.
What happens if I co-term or pro-rate my user seats/ licenses?
If you co-term (also referred to as “pro-rate”) your user seat purchase so that you add on additional user-seats to an existing subscription and only purchase the remaining months of the annual subscription, these new seats will be added to the same license pool for your admin to assign to additional users. For example, if your original user seat subscription was 10 seats purchased for September 1, 2023 to August 31, 2024, and you chose to purchase 5 seats co-termed in December your original 10 users would still be assigned a license and you would be able to assign 5 additional users licenses, and all 15 users would have their license expire on August 31. The cost of the 5 additional seats would be prorated to account for the shorter time span.
If I want help with my form or other assistance from ikeGPS, do I need to assign the IKE staff member a license?
No, ikeGPS staff do not need to occupy a license seat in your organization even if you want them to make edits to your form or help you otherwise.
Why do I have rights to edit in one IKE Office Department but not in another?
Your IKE Office license is for a particular organization and all the departments that organization has. If you are licensed in one department under your organization, you will be licensed in all of them that you are invited to. Some organizations and therefore their departments do not check licenses, so you do not need to have a license for those departments.
What do I do if the assigned Admin is no longer with my company?
If your license administrator is no longer at your company, please reach out to support@ikegps.com and let them know who the replacement Admin should be. They will need to verify with your organization’s IKE account manager and their point of contact and/or someone from your Finance department.
What is the difference between IKE Office Pro and IKE Office?
IKE Office Pro is a feature rich, upgraded software version of IKE Office.
For more information and full, interactive feature list at the bottom of the page, please see: IKE Office Pro
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