RTK (Real-Time Kinematic) technology involves using a secondary system of base stations sending real-time correction signals to further narrow the accuracy of traditional GPS. When surveying utility poles, the rover collects precise coordinates, often with centimeter-level accuracy, to determine the exact location of each pole. This precision is essential for accurate mapping of utility & communications infrastructure.
How can I tell if my IKE is RTK capable?
For 3600's, select the "IKE Test" app and if the device version at the top says "IKE+" then it is an upgraded RTK capable device. You would just need RTK credentials that can be entered in the GPS Config app (FAQ #7).
All 2600's are RTK capable, you would just need RTK credentials that can be entered in the GPS Config app (FAQ #7).
For 1600's, if the data port above the power button has a data transfer symbol on it and the port cover can be removed, then it is RTK capable. You would just need RTK credentials that can be entered in the GPS Config app (FAQ #7).
Are all IKE's RTK capable?
All 3600's can be upgraded via software changes to function with RTK
- Upgrades for these devices (IKE to IKE+) involves an additional cost
All 2600's are RTK capable, you would just need RTK credentials that can be entered in the GPS Config app (FAQ #7).
Only certain 1600's with the correct hardware configuration are set up to function with an external RTK network. The easiest way to tell if these units are RTK-capable is if the data port above the power button has a data transfer symbol on it and the port cover can be removed.
All 3600's can be upgraded via software changes to function with RTK
Is RTK level accuracy available everywhere?
- RTK coverage depends on being within range of a base station
- RTK coverage varies depending on the provider used
- IKE uses Polaris by Point One as our primary RTK provider but SmartNet and Can-Net are also supported
Coverage Maps
Polaris by Point One Coverage Map
- True RTK coverage map using Polaris by Point One (1-3 cm horizontal and vertical accuracy):
- Virtual RTK coverage map using Polaris by Point One (3-8 cm horizontal accuracy; 10 cm vertical accuracy):
- True RTK coverage map using Polaris by Point One (1-3 cm horizontal and vertical accuracy):
Polaris by Point One Coverage Map
- SmartNet Coverage Map (2.5 cm horizontal accuracy; 5 cm vertical accuracy):
- Can-Net Coverage Map (Centimeter-level accuracy):
What accuracy can I expect?
RTK provides high-precision positioning, typically offering centimeter-level accuracy
Horizontal plane (latitude and longitude) RTK can provide less than 10 centimeters of accuracy
Vertical accuracy (elevation) is generally slightly less precise than horizontal accuracy, typically less than 20 centimeters
What's required to use RTK?
- IKE+ device (There is an additional cost to upgrade an IKE to an IKE+)
Strong Wi-Fi connection
A "hotspot" is typically used
- This is the data connection used to connect to an NTRIP based service
A "hotspot" is typically used
RTK correction service (Point One, SmartNet or Can-Net)
- You must be within range of their coverage area
- ikeGPS provided RTK Username and Password
What applications require RTK?
- RTK is essential in many areas where exact positioning is needed
- Any project that requires FAA 1A survey certification
How do I enter my RTK credentials into the IKE+ device? (Point One and SmartNet)
Please note: Connecting to an RTK network requires a strong Wi-Fi connection, IKE+ device, RTK credentials, and an open location - such as outdoors, away from building walls.
Enter the following RTK credentials in the GPS Config app:
Polaris RTK by Point One
- See the complete guide here
SmartNet RTK
- Name: Smartnet
- Server: co.smartnetna.com [Colorado state server]
- Port: 10000
- Important: Use your unique RTK username and password provided by ikeGPS (This is not your IKE account username and password).
Visit the SmartNet Connection and Configuration tool to determine the correct server input based on your state.
- Rover Manufacturer: Septentrio
- Rover Model: AsteRx Series
- Correction Area: *State you are collecting data in
- Does your device support domain names? Yes
Polaris RTK by Point One
What if I can't select a Mount point?
- If you're unable to select a mount point, it may be due to your internet connection or firewall settings. Try connecting to a different network or hotspot and attempt again.
- Make sure every field is filled out in the GPS Config app and double check for any typos.
How do I collect pole locations using RTK?
- After entering your RTK credentials tap "Start NTRIP" in the GPS Config app
- Upon first connection it may take a few minutes for the location to narrow to a high accuracy RTK point
- The GPS Config app will run in the background when you're working in IKE Field
When using the location measurement tool in IKE Field tap the target icon for a local point location
- Once the location is collected it will note "RTK Fix"
How can I tell if a pole is captured using RTK?
IKE Device
When capturing a photo in IKE Field, it will say "RTK Fix" in the top left corner of the screen when locked-in on an object.
IKE Office
- In IKE Office, select a pole and on the right side of the screen, select the "i" next to "Location". If the GPS Fix says "RTK Fix", you successfully captured using RTK.
IKE Device
What is NTRIP?
- NTRIP (Networked Transport of RTCM via Internet Protocol) is a protocol used to stream GNSS (Global Navigation Satellite System) correction data over the internet. It allows a rover (such as a GPS receiver) to receive correction data from a base station or a network of stations in real time, significantly improving positioning accuracy.
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