Using IKE Field on the IKE Device allows you to capture location coordinates using several different methods. While RTK Fixed does offer the best accuracy there are other methods that may better suit the operating environment & requirements for a specific project. The guide below details the trade-offs involved with the available methods for capturing locations.
- Also known as a "local point"
- Captured by holding the IKE at the bottom of the pole
- Standard onboard GPS
- Approximate 4ft accuracy but can vary
- Requires a 30 second wait to process
Target Location
- Location using GPS (or RTK) + laser
- Device location + distance to target = pole location
- Target range can be up to 900ft
- Can be slightly less accurate due to added variable of laser range finder
- Doesn't require access to base of pole
- Doesn't require a wait
- Useful when:
- No access to pole
- Shooting across streets
- Requires RTK + internet connection
- The internet connection is typically provided by a mobile hotspot
- This can be problematic in areas with poor cellular coverage
- Connected to the RTK correction network or base station but not RTK fixed
More accurate than standard GPS but less accurate than RTK fixed
RTK Fixed
- Also known as a "RTK local point"
- Captured by holding the IKE at the bottom of a pole
- Requires RTK + internet connection
- The internet connection is typically provided by a mobile hotspot
- This can be problematic in areas with poor cellular coverage
- Doesn't require a wait
- The most accurate
- 3-4 inches in best case scenario
How can I tell how a location was captured in IKE Office?
- In IKE Office select a pole then click the "i" next to the coordinates
- The Provider field will display how the location was captured
- Note - If RTK was used in conjunction with a Target Location the Provider field will only indicate "Target Location"
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